Medicare Part B - Outpatient Medical

Below I will cover what Part B covers, who can get it, and the costs. This will help you make informed decisions about your healthcare. Let's start!

What is covered under Medicare Part B?

Part B covers:

  • Doctor visits

  • Emergency / Urgent Care

  • X-Rays and MRI’s

  • Preventative Services— Annual wellness exams, screenings, vaccines and more.

  • Lab tests

  • Durable Medical Equipment (DME)— Wheelchair, walkers, oxygen tanks and more.

  • Certain injectable medications received at the provider’s facility

How much does Part B cost?

Most people joining Medicare will see that their Part B premiums will be at the ‘Standard rate’, but those making ‘higher than average income’ will need to pay more.

Part B Premiums [2024]

Individual Tax Return
Joint Tax Return
Part B Premium
$103k or less $206k or less $174.70 None
$103k - $129k $206k - 258k $244.60 + $12.90
$129k-161k $258k - 322k $349.40 + $33.30
$161k-193k $322k - 386k $454.20 + $53.80
$193k - 500k $386k - $750k $559 +$74.20
$500k+ $750k+ $594 +$81

Part B - Cost Sharing (what you pay)

Part B costs What you pay
Deductible $240 once per year.
Coinsurance Medicare covers 80%
You owe 20%
There is no maxiumum out-of-pocket limit on the 20% Part B coinsurance.